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Tips For Your Upcoming VBS

So I have a confession to make...I ABSOLUTELY LOVE VBS!!! The other night I was honored to host a live Children's Ministry Webinar with some totally awesome Kidmin leaders Ricardo Miller and Corinne Noble. They shared some amazing tips to our audience about getting ready for Vacation Bible School that I wanted to share with you in this blog post! Kidmin leaders come in all different forms. Some are seasoned veterans, while others are just getting started. Regardless of where you are, you have the ability to pull of an absolutely amazing VBS. Just incase you need a shove in the right direction, here are a few steps to help you get started...

1. Don't sweat the small stuff! Don't have a big budget? No problem! Getting your hands on resources are key but you don't have to spend a lot of money to get them. One of the major highlights of VBS is creative spaces. So start getting creative! Collect cardboard, boxes, and other miscellaneous items in bulk for little to no cost. Also, consider reaching out to other local churches to borrow their set pieces. Hey...we're all in this together so don't be shy!

2. Don't think you have to follow a particular VBS curriculum to a "T." Feel free to make it unique to the children you minister to. Besides you know the children in your ministry. And if you're feeling real optimistic, create your own! There are a variety of resources available that can help guide you in your efforts to create your own curriculum that's guaranteed to reach the hearts of the children you serve.

3. Planning is key in any successful VBS. Successful VBS Leaders understand the importance of prayer in planning and utilizing a team. Teamwork is vital! A great VBS isn't ran by one point person but a team of gifted individuals committed to working towards one common goal.

4. Commit to building a great team for your VBS. Never assume anything! A great team needs clearly defined responsibilities. A great team is flexible and goes the extra mile. A great team makes it more about the kids than their own inconvenience.

5. RELAX! Don't get so caught up in the busy work that you miss the God moments. Allow God to speak to you. Pray that he opens your eyes and makes your heart sensitive to how he may want to use you. There are a lot of children from all walks of life that enter our doors during VBS. You may be just the person he wants to use to introduce a young heart to saving faith in Christ.

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