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Esther Moreno

Making Lemonade out of your Kidmin Lemons

Leading Children’s Ministry can be tough! But you’ve heard the old saying…”When Kidmin throws you lemons, Make lemonade!” I may have added to that a bit but you get the point. So how do you make lemonade out of your Kidmin lemons? Check out these three tips to help you make the best batch possible!

1. Get your mind right and Watch Your Mouth!

Hey! The secret’s out! Ministry can be stressful at times and Mondays can be the worst of all! If you’re anything like me, Mondays is the day that you’re handling all the debacles that took place that previous week in addition to worrying about how to create a catastrophe free zone in the week you’re in! Oh yeah… and then there’s that whole living life thing outside of work! But no matter what…Keep it positive and Watch Your Mouth!!!

Remember…The power of life and death is in the tongue. So choose to speak life over your ministry. Make it a point to never talk negatively about your ministry department to others or the leaders in it. Encourage your volunteers to do the same. Ephesians 4:29 says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” So keep it positive, handle necessary confrontation head on, be forgiving, always move forward, and don’t be a negative Nancy! Besides, no one likes a negative Nancy and it’s a real turn off when it comes to drawing people to your ministry department.

2. Look Around You

And just incase you’re wondering…Yes, you read it right! Look around you!!!! Who are the leaders that God has already blessed you with to help lead the next generation in your children’s ministry department to Christ? Don’t allow yourself to get so fixated on who you don’t have that you neglect those who have already answered the call. Train them, encourage them, nurture them, and create such a spirit of excellence amongst them that it makes others want to jump on board!

What does your children’s ministry department look like? Does your Kidmin space scream next generation on fire for Christ or multipurpose room where we wrangle the kids while we wait for grown-ups to get out of church? You don’t have to have loads of money to take your Kidmin space to the next level. A small tweak today has the power to make a huge impact tomorrow. A little kid friendly signage here and a splash of color there goes a long way. So take pride in the space that you’re in, tweak if need be, and invest in the people you already have. Create an environment you’re excited to be in and others will follow. And don’t beat yourself up if you run into a few bumps on the road. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your vision be. But, stay committed and know you've got this because you were made for this!

3.  Seek God

Okay…You’ve heard me say it time and time again!!!! And I can’t say it enough! PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!! Don’t get so busy leading that you leave God out of it. He’s the one who placed you in your position of leadership anyway. He wants you to succeed! So invite him for the ride. Ask him to fill you afresh everyday with his spirit. Stay connected to his word. Learn to delight in times of refreshing in his presence and receive the joy, hope, and peace you need to go forth and be the leader he’s called for you to be. And guess what… As you spend more and more time nurturing your relationship with him, people will become attracted to the God in you and just maybe the ministry you lead.

So don't stress and start squeezing those Kidmin lemons into a tasty glass of lemonade! 

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