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Why I Workout When I Hate Working Out: Chronicles of an Out-of-Shape Kidmin Leader

Help! I'm a Kidmin leader who hates working out! And I'm not the only one. Sure, I can use the excuse that I jump around with kids in children's ministry and hey...isn't that a workout in itself! But is it really? Even now as I write this I was just involved in a stare down battle with my weights. I heard them whisper to me..."So...You gonna use me today or what?" Unfortunately, I also heard the couch and the last slice of pumpkin cheesecake whispering similar messages as well. Luckily I won the battle and got in a great workout in about 30 minutes. But, I don't always pick the weights and sometimes the winner goes to my old faithful friend the couch. So why is it so important that Kidmin leaders stay fit?...

If you thought the answer to my last question was to look good you would be wrong. Sure, everyone loves the idea of looking a little better in their clothes but that can't be our number one motivator when it comes to taking care of our bodies. The truth is, as I have aged, my body doesn't really snap back or tighten up in the ways it use to when I was on a workout regimen. But now something even better happens to me. I get physically stronger and my energy level spikes at an all time high which makes me more equipped to leap, dance, and pour out the love of God on children who so desperately need it without feeling exasperated in the process. And besides all of that, God cares about how we take care of our bodies.

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.” -1 Corinthians 6:19-20

As the season gets a little cooler and the fall breeze pushes us closer to a cozy bowl of chili rather than our workout clothes, here's a few tips to help you stay faithful to your fitness goals in this upcoming season.

1. Don’t make exercise a half hearted endeavor. Make goals and stay committed. Pray to God for help with your fitness goals. I’m sure he’ll be happy to oblige your request. Dedicate your workouts to Christ and watch it make a difference.

2. Don’t over do it! You can get a good workout in without spending hours in the gym. Take a brisk walk, swim, or join a fun dance class. All of these are creative ways to stay faithfully fit.

3. Discipline is key in both your spiritual life and with your fitness goals. Keeping a journal is a great way to chart your progress and celebrate your success.

4. Don’t beat yourself up if you fall short of your goals. It happens to the best of us. Get back up if you fall down and keep pressing towards the mark. You got this!

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