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Esther Moreno

Pay God's Love Forward

Today started like any other day. I dragged myself out of bed, grabbed a hot cup of tea, and took a deep breath in and out. After about 15 minutes, it was time to get the kids up and then ladies and gentlemen, the hustle and bustle began! As always at that same time of every morning, I screamed the magic words… “Get in the car!” And we were off!

As I walked my daughter to the door of her school (Car-line drop off is apparently reserved for parents who are on-time), I kissed her goodbye and walked pass a man dressed fully in military attire. It would have been easy for me to mind my own business and keep walking to the car but something in that moment had churned inside of me. That churning was the Holy spirit. And there it was, my opportunity to pay the love forward that God has so lavishly showered on me and continues to do so.

With a stones throw away from my car, I turned around, walked back towards the man, and motioned my hand up for a big high five. To my delight he gave me a big high five right back as I complimented him on his uniform and expressed my appreciation for his sacrifice in protecting the freedoms of so many in this country. We both walked away fulfilled. Him feeling seen and appreciated and me feeling a serene sense of joy that I had been obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. In my heart I knew that this simple gesture was something that this man needed and I was so happy that God saw fit to use me to fill that need.

The truth is, God gives us opportunities everyday to pay his love forward in this world. But it’s up to us to pay attention to those nudges and jump all in heart first. It is my prayer for you today that you wouldn’t allow the distractions of life to eat up your worship and the greater calling that God has placed on your life to be His light to the world today. So who is God calling you to pay his love forward to? With Easter coming up, there are so many leaders in the church scrambling to make this season special for so many. Consider sending a message of appreciation to all those who are laboring in the background to create special memories for you and your family this Easter.

Blessings friends.


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