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Esther Moreno

Invading Their World

Tuesday evening I had the incredible opportunity to host yet again another children’s ministry live webinar. It’s hard to believe that Child’s Heart has hit the three year mark of providing such valuable content to children’s ministry leaders not just locally, but across the globe! This month was no different. Like every third Tuesday of the month, I was joined by some incredible colleagues in the ministry who have become so much more than colleagues, but dear friends. They came ready to shower our audience with the wisdom God had filled each of them individually and uniquely regarding the topic of the evening. I felt myself get goosebumps multiple times as we spent the hour discussing the importance of understanding the emerging culture as next-generation ambassadors for Christ. Each minister dug into their treasure troves of experience and freely gave us golden nuggets that I know left us all inspired and simply better. BETTER ministers of the gospel, BETTER leaders over the departments entrusted to us, BETTER people in our local communities and the world.

Invading the world of kids is not a new concept in children’s ministry. I believe most leaders embrace the importance of understanding the emerging cultures that populate their departments. Unfortunately, through the hustle and bustle of ministry, it is not uncommon for one to pull back from putting in the necessary work needed to truly stay connected to tomorrow’s generation. Our efforts may seem tedious and with all the other work that lay before us, it is easy to go into survival mode and revert back to doing things the way we’ve always done them. The digital age hasn’t made it any easier. Producing self-entitled digital natives with a diminishing respect for authority, tuned out parents, and even lower attention spans. Toppled with anxiety, depression, and cyberbullying, riding these digitals waves have become even more confusing and difficult to manage for both parents and children’s ministry leaders alike.

Despite the challenges, we must remain ever vigilant in staying connected with the children and families God has entrusted into our care. We must be intentional in understanding the demographics of our churches and the communities in which they are planted. We must keep a constant pulse on where kids are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually so that we can effectively meet them at their need and celebrate their wins in age-appropriate ways. Staying abreast of current world events and being cognizant of it’s potential effects on the children and families we serve. People over programming must be our priority. Those leading departments must level up in their leadership and invest in the growth and development of all those working with kids. Simply showing up to serve kids as a detached volunteer filling a slot will no longer be acceptable if we are truly going to reach children. Rather, we must train our workers to show up and be present, allowing themselves to become learners of the children they have been called to serve while leveraging their newfound knowledge for the glory of God.

At the end of the day, invading the world of kids may not be easy but it is necessary. Want to dig deeper into this topic? Head over to facebook and join the conversation. Catch the replay of “Invade Their World” only in the Children’s Ministry Moving Forward private facebook group. Not a member? No problem! Join today and get access to pertinent content guaranteed to help you move your children’s ministry forward.

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